Luke Fowler on Film as Film

Luke Fowler on Film as Film

Luke Fowler reflects on Markopoulos’ films and writings ahead of the event at Tate Modern, London, next Friday.

“Gregory Markopoulos has been in my thoughts since his masterpiece Bliss inspired me to pick up a Bolex camera several years ago. This book collects many of Markopoulos’ strident and inspirational writings providing a wealth of experiences and provocations for future filmmakers and scholars everywhere. This publication, as well as the monumental Temenos screenings in Greece, will help to establish Markopoulos as one of the single most important filmmakers of the American avant-garde.”
—– Luke Fowler

Psyche, Bliss and Gammelion will be projected at the event on 31 October 2014. The films will be interspersed with readings from Film as Film: The Collected Writings of Gregory J. Markopoulos, which will be available for purchase throughout the event.